• @ericbomb
    47 months ago

    Thr vast majority of animals are factory farmed, so the idea that pasture land is feeding any noticable amount of animals is just wrong.

    I would love a source for anything you’re saying.

    The fact that corn is also grown for ethanol in no way changes that more corn is grown for them to eat does it? Like the corn fed to animals cant be used for ethanol. Also what use does feeding them oats accomplish?

    • Sybil
      -17 months ago

      All beef cattle graze for about their first year. The only spend the last 4 months or so in a concentrated feeding operation.

      • @ericbomb
        47 months ago

        How much pasture land is being given to pigs? Or chickens? Oh, none? Because I’m not just talking about cows am I?

        My dude, you provide a source for anything you are saying or I’m blocking you as a troll at this point.

        • Sybil
          -17 months ago

          You’re the one who brought up the 80% of land issue. you should understand what it means. calling me names doesn’t change the truth.

            • Sybil
              7 months ago

              you are cherrypicking. the initial claim was about global land use. now you want to look at the chicago metro area.

              • @drhugsymcfur
                17 months ago

                For anyone else who might be reading this discussion. Federatingistoohard is intent on lying about this topic for some reason.

                My source details the entire state of Illinois.
                One of the most agriculturally productive regions in the world.

                I could do this exercise for all 50 states and the results would be similar. South Western States and California would have lower livestock usage percentages. The plain states would have higher percentage.

                • Sybil
                  07 months ago

                  The discussion wasn’t about United States agriculture. it was about the agricultural land use across the whole world. You’re still cherry picking.

                • Sybil
                  07 months ago

                  I haven’t lied about anything.

      • @drhugsymcfur
        17 months ago

        Yes some small scale farmers allow their cattle to graze, but on any for profit farm here in the Midwest US, cattle don’t get anywhere near 50% of their calories from grazing.

        • Sybil
          07 months ago

          all beef cattle graze for about a year and spend the last 4-6 months on a feed lot. you just don’t know what you’re talking about.

          • @drhugsymcfur
            17 months ago

            To any one who might be reading this conversation, I want you to understand that anyone in the industry can easily tell that federatingtoohard obviously has no experience with current methods of animal cultivation.

            Grazing did work back in the day when you had 10 acres to every head and you didn’t care if your cattle starved in the winter because grass doesnt grow. But now those farmers are out of business because they were out competed by the ranchers that fattened up their cattle with fodder and grains.

            Even cattle that have near infinite grazing land on BLM property require calorie supplementation with grain and fodder. The amount depends on the cattle density, annual rainfall, and the local soil productivity.

            • Sybil
              07 months ago

              you don’t raise beef cattle. do you know how I know?

    • Sybil
      -17 months ago

      you should look up how much pasture land is part of that 80% figure that you quoted.