“We recognize that, in the next four years, our decision may cause us to have an even more difficult time. But we believe that this will give us a chance to recalibrate, and the Democrats will have to consider whether they want our votes or not.”
That’s gotta be one of the strangest reasonings I’ve heard in a while.
If you don’t need their votes, keep acting like you can order them to vote like you want. You can always blame them for the results, but you’ll still have the results.
The party would rather lose to Trump and have someone to blame than try to appeal to the voters it regards with withering contempt. It may make you feel morally superior to scream at people, but that doesn’t move the needle in the direction you need.
Pretty much. If fascism takes over America centrist Democrats will be partly to blame
Won’t stop them from blaming all the people they alienated.
Weird so many in this thread seem to think if you insult people for not wanting to be genocided, they’ll support the candidate you like. Make it feel more clear that these people don’t actually care about them and just see them as pawns for their own goals.
“Vote for me to do shit you hate, moron! Wait… why are you staying home?”
If you refuse to vote for the option that will result in the fewest Palestinians being killed, you care more about your ideals than you do their lives. Full stop. You aren’t an ally if you’re content with letting the more deadly option win because the less deadly option is still lethal.
As I keep having to say, I’m voting for Biden.
The party needs to start trying to get back votes it’s losing. That is if they care about beating Trump and not just having yet another opportunity to punch left and never right.
I know you are, that’s why I find it interesting to engage with you. You understand what I’m saying if you’re voting for Biden.
I don’t disagree. I’m all for discussing what Democrats can realistically do so long as we agree that Trump is an existential threat that takes priority over everything else.
So, let’s discuss it. We both know that outright telling Israel to go fuck itself isn’t an option. What do you think would be the best, realistic way to stop their massacre while alienating the fewest voters overall and leveraging our relationship to put pressure on them?
It takes priority over everything else for a certain segment of the party. Expecting it to take priority over everything else for the entire party gets people leaving the party as we’re seeing here.
Sadly yes. One of us is sad about it, and the other is gloating.
We both know that the party doesn’t actually care about stopping the massacre. They’ll do as little as possible to upset the status quo of supporting Israel no matter what they do. Someone high up in the centrist wing of the party needs to advocate for placing conditions on aid. It’ll be a bill of goods, of course. The party deals in bills of goods. It’s exceedingly good at promising things and then preventing itself from delivering, like with the public option, bbb, and increasing the minimum wage.
The party isn’t even bothering to make empty promises it has no intention of keeping here.
Well at the very least I’ll need to keep a closer eye on my tone, because I very much do not want to gloat about Israel having support. The rest of what you said is good food for thought too, even if I tend to disagree initially.