• @pandacoder
    110 months ago

    I feel like you just made something up so you don’t have to like EVs.

    1. The fact that this is your takeaway from my messages (in addition to your general tone) just shows you are trying to push a self-righteous agenda without properly identifying who are your allies and opponents. I abhor ICEs and would have bought an EV by now if not for the scummy companies producing them, and the fact that I basically do not drive anymore so switching my relatively unused car out for any replacement vehicle does not make sense. I’d sooner just sell the car and wash my hands of them entirely.

    What a weird outlook you have.

    1. Not likely subscription services and the car manufacturers tracking me is not “weird” it’s well justified. I don’t like my insurance company tracking me either which is why I heavily restrict the permissions their app has (and use a second phone for it). ICE and EV manufacturers have immense overlap and I’ve yet to hear of one that actually respects their customers and doesn’t turn their products into drivable spyware.

    I don’t even have a way to rebut it.

    1. Perhaps you should quit the contrarian behavior since you’re not putting in the effort to be one. You’ve already demonstrated you aren’t putting in the effort to read my messages by openly misidentifying me as an EV hater.
    • mechoman444
      10 months ago

      You said that reliability and all that is irrelevant, only the tracking and the software on the vehicles is why you don’t like them.

      Your original comment said that modern cars suck or a crappy my rebuttle was that they are not they’re significantly more reliable than older cars even from crappy manufacturers.

      What in your comments above has anything to do with that?

      The world changes things become better and things become worse the fact that you don’t like it is completely irrelevant back in the 80s you could use a flathead screwdriver to start up a car you can’t do that anymore because of modern software and technology.

      So circling back around you are wrong, modern cars are better than older ones. Aside from your personal preference of not liking how they make cars today with the technology that’s in them do you have anything to substantiate your claim?