WINNER: Buffy Fish Owl 39-23

The Long Eared Owl has a lot of what it takes to be popular here. It’s spread across much of the northern hemisphere, long ear tufts, orange eyes, and a wide variety of looks and expressions. For some reason, it’s never seemed to get as many upvotes as expected, so will this owl be able to pull out a win today?

On the other hand, the Buffy Fish Owl has just got a good response on a recent post. Though a relatively rare owl, being only found in the islands of Southeast Asia, this owl wins people over with it’s relaxed look and somewhat derpy expressions. Will it’s exoticness and subtle charm get the win today?

Upvote your favorite below, and check back in about an hour for the other match if the day, Hawk Owl vs Pygmy Owl!

  • anon6789OP
    310 months ago

    Même toi, tu vote pour la Kétoupa malais, alors que ton image de profil est le Léo???

    Je vois les mots Ketoupa, Duc, et Gran-duc utilisés pour les hiboux au lieu du mot chouette. Un guide pour quel mot est utilisé quand vous pouvez me le montrer?

    • @[email protected]
      210 months ago

      Eh oui ! Même moi. Mais le choix était compliqué.

      Generally, I’m calling hiboux the ones with a sharper face feature and longer body but I’m calling chouettes, the one with rounder face or body. This criteria is not perfect. Sometime, I see a picture of an unknown type of owl and I wonder “Is this a chouette or a hibou ?”.

      According to wikipédia :

      le hibou, appelé aussi chat-huant, se distinguant de la chouette par la simple présence d’aigrettes, faites de plumes dépassant de la tête.

      Which translate into

      the owl, also called hooting cat, are distinguished from the owl by the simple presence of egrets, made of feathers protruding from the head.

      • anon6789OP
        210 months ago

        That makes sense. In Spanish búho seems to be any owl, but generally referring to the ones with egrets. Lechuza seems reserved for Barn Owls.

        Hooting Cat is also a great name!