“We recognize that, in the next four years, our decision may cause us to have an even more difficult time. But we believe that this will give us a chance to recalibrate, and the Democrats will have to consider whether they want our votes or not.”

That’s gotta be one of the strangest reasonings I’ve heard in a while.

  • @boywar3
    410 months ago

    I like how they don’t like genocide so in protest, they vote for the other party that “likes genocide” (and is actively hostile to minorities, but whatever).

    In this case the tradeoff they have to accept is…voting for a party that does the same thing but even more overt.

    I’m not belittling anyone, I’m simply stating that facts of the situation - regardless of which party they vote for - they will be effectively choosing to accept genocide, whether their vote is a protest vote or not, because that’s how the 2-party system works.

    • @Ensign_Crab
      -110 months ago

      I’m saying the problem is that they are free to do what they wish, but their actions will have consequences for them that are likely to not be worth it, so they need to accept tradeoffs like everybody else.

      When was the last time centrist Democrats had to accept a tradeoff? Don’t pretend I’m talking about anyone else again. Don’t try to change the subject again. Stop avoiding the question.

      • @boywar3
        010 months ago

        Moderate democrats are the majority in power, so it makes sense they are the most powerful and get what they want the most. In cases like Manchin, they get outsized power due to how tight margins are in the senate. That’s how it works in a “coalition” of sorts. If Dems had a comfortable majority, they could force through more things. It’s basic logic that a party with multiple different wings has to cater to the ones that are more likely to flip on them. In most cases, the left wing of the Dems will never vote for the Right, so it’s a safer bet to de-prioritize them when compared to the right, who may vote right.

        If the left wing of the dems had more voters (which is slowly happening by the look of things), they could exercise more power, and if they had a comfortable majority (and more balls), they could ignore people like Manchin.

        As per your question, I have no idea, I dont keep tabs on every vote, but I am very confident my assessment of the situation is correct.

        • @Ensign_Crab
          110 months ago

          As per your question, I have no idea, I dont keep tabs on every vote, but I am very confident my assessment of the situation is correct.

          You can’t provide a single example because none exists. “Everybody” doesn’t have to accept tradeoffs. Centrist Democrats don’t. You’re expecting people to accept genocide based on an argument that has no basis in reality.

          • @boywar3
            110 months ago

            Centrist Democrats right now don’t need to accept tradeoffs because they are needed atm. As demographics shift, eventually, things will change as they must.

            As for accepting genocide…well, if I had to choose between my own safety and someone else’s, I know where I’d stand…

            • @Ensign_Crab
              110 months ago

              “Just accept genocide because the group that runs the party may one day in the nebulous future have to accept tradeoffs”

              is not the same as “Everybody has to accept tradeoffs.”

              As for accepting genocide…well, if I had to choose between my own safety and someone else’s, I know where I’d stand…

              You’ve made your position regarding instant unquestioning support of genocide for its own sake abundantly clear.

              • @boywar3
                010 months ago

                I love the big sweeping generalizations you make; it really shows an utter lack of understanding reality. Keep up the purity tests so the left can’t ever get anywhere because we are too busy infighting I guess

                • @Ensign_Crab
                  110 months ago

                  Keep up the purity tests so the left can’t ever get anywhere because we are too busy infighting I guess

                  Keep expecting everyone to be happy with tradeoffs you make on their behalf but never your own.