Could be outstanding, could be something you’ve already completed.
I like to break my goals down into a sort of ladder with the eventual goal at the top, but smaller achievements on the way. So to that end my bucket list includes such gems as:
- Go out for a meal alone
- Buy a fancy ice lolly without feeling guilty about it
- Climb up the nearby hill without stopping for a break
- Reach out to various old friends for a catchup
- Finish reading the whole Discworld book series (I never did read the last one, iykyk)
Had to look up what that was! It can definitely be hard to find time for this stuff, but I’m sure you’ll get there :)
USPSA and IDPA are both a lot of fun. Hopefully never practical. :)
Unfortunately, the closest HEMA group is over an hour away, so I can’t have that kind of fun any more; the time that would take just isn’t achievable any more.