• TechyDad
    710 months ago

    He’s already said this kind of thing. He admired the Chinese President for declaring himself President For Life and he said that he deserves a third term for the “Russia Russia Russia investigation.” His age might play into him actually going for a third term. He’d be 82 in January 2029 - assuming his lifelong bad health habits didn’t get to him first.

    I could see him trying to appoint his successor, but none of his kids are as “charismatic” as he is. (Using the term “charismatic” loosely to describe the hold he has on some people. Not sure what else to call that.) A Trump Dictatorship could oddly result in a civil war as we get Trump Jr MAGAs fighting Greene MAGAs or Lake MAGAs etc. All while the tattered remnants of the Democrats try to use the chaos to right the ship.