• ArumiOrnaught
    21 year ago

    believes Wi-Fi is bad for health.
    Wants to starve people and drive up food prices because she doesn’t understand what GMO means, or doesn’t care to clarify.
    Green party endorses fracking?
    Suspect stance on Ukraine
    Suspect stance on vaccines

    I’m not saying biden has a better aggregate stance. I am saying you have a chance in a liberal government. But you don’t in a conservative one.

    You’re spinning your wheels, and you’re going to go nowhere. Making people only pay attention to president is one of the best psyops


    (no evidence, it’s just funnier to believe)
    ::: that the Dems made so people like you vote so they stay in power.

    I seriously thought you had a local candidate who was going to push for that. There have been several local elections where they had ran on and implemented something besides first past the post system.

    If you want change in a system this big there are only 2 routes. Slow and voting local so your party gains steam, or violence. I’m not going to advocate for violence.

    What do you think the outcome of voting for her is going to be.

    • blazera
      11 year ago

      Its a bit of a cart before the horse thing. As fundamental as policy positions on things like economics, healthcare, education etc are, how the government is run and elected has to come first if you want any of that to happen. Like you can promote the most die hard environmentalist candidate, but because our system has lobbying and corporate financed elections, that poisons your efforts from the outset. You have to get rid of the lobbying first. I think our FPTP 2 party system is something that poisons any efforts on any political issue. Like i said id love to support someone with better political stances and voting reform, but i have to support voting reform first. And anyone that wants to outlaw lobbying too.

      • ArumiOrnaught
        11 year ago

        cart before the horse

        I agree, that’s what I’ve been saying…but if you want a better democracy you need to maintain the democracy. Biden losing means a risk of losing that democracy status. In this instance I’m not voting for Biden, as much as I’m voting against a dictator.

        I am saying voting 3rd party is better than not voting at all. I’m also saying keeping USA sliding away from democracy is more important.