The Snowy Owl has achieved Internet legend status thanks to its O RLY? meme. It’s a large owl, and the only owl with primarily white feathers. Males lose many of their black spots as they age, while females keep them. There found all across the Arctic region, but will migrate down south to more temperate zones. Recent studies show their populations may have been overestimated, as they don’t always return to the same area. This is going to be one tough owl to beat.

The Black and White Owl is another unique looking bird. This is a medium sized owl from Central and very northern South America. It has a classic cartoon prison outfit of black and white stripes, a bright orange beak, and reddish brown eyes. It usually hangs out in the forest canopies as it primarily eats insects and bats. Is this unusual owl unique enough to get a win over one if the most popular owls?

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  • anon6789OP
    1210 months ago

    Seven different owls played Hedwig.

    Gizmo, Kasper, Oops, Swoops, Oh Oh, Elmo and Bandit.

    I believe all were male, even though Hedwig was supposed to be a girl.

    • @oDDmON
      610 months ago

      Cool! TY 4 the info. 🙏🏻