Kinda bored so here we go: the government officially recognizes the creeper, from jeepers creepers, as a threat. Congratulations you are now task on coming up with a plan on killing or at least semi-permanently incapacitating the monster. You are backed by the government but keep the cost and destruction down. For obvious reasons, also prioritize life so that means no waiting it out

Creeper Abilities:

  • Flight
  • healing factor through consuming food
  • Regeneration through consuming food
  • high pain tolerance
  • cunning
  • keen smelling
  • ageless
  • super strength unknown limit
  • adaptable
  • ExtrasOP
    21 year ago

    Thank you for that It was an interesting watch haha. Never even noticed the parasite honestly so that kinda blew my mind

    • @BreadOven
      21 year ago

      Yeah. That was new to me (when I previously watched it) glad you enjoyed.