I’ve seen many comments and posts regarding the API fiasco on Reddit, with the claim that there will be a huge influx of users when that happens. I’m all for it, but I find it hard to believe that the average or even above average user will make the effort to switch.

  • @[email protected]
    461 year ago

    I think it is great here on Lemmy but tbh, the content is limited. My enjoyment here is partly watching it develop. Im like 1 week in and I can see it growing day by day. I don’t think that is what most eventual users want to experience. They want it all set up with the party in full swing.

    • @klyde
      381 year ago

      I love the conversations here. It’s just normal people talking. No amateur comedians at the top of threads with their crappy jokes. It’s so nice.

      • @MiddleWeigh
        131 year ago

        I love it here too. I’m finding that im connecting with people, getting into your head reading your words and it’s nice. Watching the whole process is pretty awesome. Definitely not the average users expectations, im sure.

      • @Arcaverium
        51 year ago

        I also don’t miss the ragebait and troll posts, those can stay on reddit.

      • @haulyard
        51 year ago

        It honestly took me a moment to get used to such a high percentage of civil discourse.

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        Yes this is like Reddit was back 10-16 years ago when I joined. Much better discussions here than Reddit now. I’m honestly pretty happy where everything is already, I’d like to take the growth nice and slow so that we can stay in the good zone longer. Both digg and Reddit were too banal for me towards the end.

      • niktemadur
        21 year ago

        While I’ve seen a few merry pranksters pop up here and there, trolls (thankfully so far) not so much.

      • @rylin
        11 year ago

        It’s what Digg and Slashdot used to be and Reddit at one time as well. Where there was genuine user interaction. I’m sure Lemmy will also end up the way of the others as well. It’s why I enjoyed Reddit in the smaller subs.

      • @blenderwig
        11 year ago

        I like that I am talking to real people, not potential comment reposter bots. Feels less like a psyops experiment and more like actual engagement.