“This brings the total debt cancellation my administration has approved to $132 billion for over 3.6 million Americans through various actions,” Biden said in a statement.

  • @thantik
    -6210 months ago

    This is actually a remnant of his larger plan for cancelling student debt being blocked. So if it should have been done anyhow, we’re now…celebrating presidents for… doing their jobs?

    • Zorque
      3910 months ago

      I didn’t see any noisemakers or confetti, where are you seeing celebration? I see acknowledgement and respect, but that’s a far cry from celebration.

    • @SCB
      2910 months ago

      Bro the mental gymnastics here are astounding.

      Just take the W.

        • @[email protected]
          10 months ago

          When your job is to do a good thing.

          And your predecessors either didn’t know or didn’t care to do it, thereby not not doing their jobs.

          Then yes. I will celebrate the guy who actually did his job.

        • @Rapture
          210 months ago

          Stop taking Ls for nothing

    • osarusan
      2710 months ago

      You’re saying you’d prefer the president didn’t do his job?

      • Melkath
        10 months ago

        No, I’d prefer if a president did his job to begin with and didn’t try to take loud credit for a program that wasn’t his when he finally gets around to doing his job.

        • osarusan
          4310 months ago

          So… you want the job to get done, but you don’t want anyone to be happy that the job got done?

          • @[email protected]
            -2710 months ago

            Yeah, doing the bare minimum shouldn’t be newsworthy. “Hey boss, I showed up on time and got my day’s work done”? He’d probably say “Okay good? You want a cookie or something?”

            • osarusan
              3410 months ago

              Is forgiving $132 billion in student debt the bare minimum of the job?

              Because if that’s your bar, then Biden is the only president in history who has done the bare minimum. If that’s your standard, I’d think you’d be jumping for joy that a president has finally, in the entire history of the US, done the bare minimum.

              • fmstrat
                10 months ago

                Sigh, it’s the people that don’t vote. One day, they’ll start reading the articles, and they’ll slowly form constructive opinions, and make a choice that’s actually a choice. But until then they’ll stick to how everyone is bad because it’s easier than learning the truth.

                • osarusan
                  1010 months ago

                  “Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good” is the operating phrase here.

                  There’s a lot of people demonstrating a sort of purity cult here in the fediverse, where they think anyone who isn’t the savior of all humanity incarnate is thus no better than the worst possible choice. There’s no nuance, and no consideration for realpolitik.

                  Look at the reactions to this post for goodness sake… These same users whine and moane about Biden in every other thread, and then here’s a story about how Biden doing something good that they actually wanted him to do, and they moan and whine about how it wasn’t good enough.

            • @assassin_aragorn
              210 months ago

              That’s how you end up with things like the rail unions where nobody knows that the administration worked behind the scenes after the legislation to get the workers what they wanted from the companies – and they successfully did that.

          • Melkath
            -4110 months ago

            I’ve already gone enough rounds with your brain damage.

            • @frunch
              1410 months ago

              Interesting way to take an L

        • @assassin_aragorn
          210 months ago

          So you’re pleased about him working behind the scenes to pressure rail companies into giving the workers what they wanted?

    • @APassenger
      1110 months ago

      I think the idea here is this.

      The Executive Branch has checks and balances over both of the other two branches of government. Part of that is discretion.

      The Executive is not, at all times, bound to the direction provided by Congress (see: lack of enforcement of Marijuana laws). This frustrates many when the wrong decisions are being made. And we love it when the right ones are.

      So someone had stopped performing debt relief as instructed by Congress. Discretion, good or bad. Then Biden directs that the instructions be followed.

      He kind of didn’t have to do that. I’m glad he did and I think it’s the basics of doing his job… But he could have just not done it and reminded entities that running a campaign is expensive or that he’ll be retiring at some point.