• GodlessCommie
    -277 months ago

    If you haven’t been paying attention Ukraine is failing, and everything we’ve been told will happen to Russia has been a lie.

    • @[email protected]
      77 months ago

      So when you see a state fail when pulled into a war by a fascistic country, led by a psychopath dictator who has bigger desires of waging more wars after Ukraine falls, your proposal is to just let them go and fail? Do you need a history lesson on what happened a couple of decades ago when that type of appeasement went very wrong?

      • GodlessCommie
        -137 months ago

        There would be no war had the US stayed out of it

        • @[email protected]
          87 months ago

          Glad you recognize this as a war instead of the russian deceptive ‘special operation’.

          And there would be no war if russia did not start one. Lets keep the facts real.

          • GodlessCommie
            7 months ago

            Russia only fired the first shot, the US/Obama started it years back. Let’s keep the facts real

            • @[email protected]
              47 months ago

              Wow. Putin needed to start this war so that Russians would be distracted from the fact that Putin was not good for the country. Obama had nothing to do with it.