Hey all, this is an update that includes a lot of fixes before the next visual release. Here are the changes that were made:

  • Compact mode now features thumbnails for URLs
  • Adds a clear option to the search bar
  • Adjustable thumbnail in compact mode and the ability to disable the vote icons in compact mode (thanks to https://github.com/qoopa for this)
  • Image animation was tweaked again for your convenience, but it will be reworked here in the near future to act more like Apollo
  • Posts are now marked as read whenever you view them. They will be grayed out in your feed once they are marked as read. Thanks for the help from https://github.com/ktgd
  • You can now select the intensity of haptic feedback (thanks to https://github.com/yrahul3910)
  • There is a font slider to adjust the text size to your liking. No more glasses!
  • Issues where people couldn’t post in communities becuase of a language issue are now fixed.
  • Comment and post votes now update when you make a vote
  • Upvote icons and other post action icons are now animated
  • A very terrible animation for comments (I added it in for testing and have not removed it yet. This will be completed in the next update)

This resolves the bulk of bugs that were causing people issues. The next update will be mostly visual changes.

Thanks guys!

  • @simo
    32 years ago

    How do we enable the hide read posts when scrolled past in feeds?

    This is my #1 want for all the lemmy apps and Memmy is the best so far , but this feature doesn’t seem to work for me?

    On the lemmy.world PC website I do have ‘hide read posts’ enabled (which works when you upvote/read the comments).

    Could this be conflicting with the apps Read feature?

      • @simo
        12 years ago

        Perhaps the dev listed it as a future update, rather than it being included in this one?

        I also cannot mark replies received as ‘read’ in the inbox in the app. But replying to each one works, not always ideal though.

        • @teflocarbonM
          12 years ago

          This is fixed in the next release.

          • @simo
            22 years ago

            Awesome 😎