• @avater
    10 months ago

    this headline is highly misleading! First of all its only one (!) state in germany, also a very far right one and those rules only apply for that very state.

    The other thing is you do not have to ‘support’ Israel you have to accept Israel as a independent state, their borders, that they are allowed to defend themselves and you shouldn’t say or take part in antisemitism related activities.

    You can still criticize Israel very much for the way they are fighting the Hamas and the civilian casualties that they are causing, you don’t have to say yes and amen to everything Israel is doing and also you don’t have to support them. You are just not allowed to debugger their existence…

    And I highly doubt that our other states will follow this in any way…

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      Well the point is, that the whole “support the existence of the country” is very vague. Do I disqualify if I think that the illegal settlers need to ge the fuck out of the Westbank? Of what if I would boycott products procuded in Israel? Does that count as not supporting the existence of the country?". Which borders of what year or which treaty are meant by this? Would Israel consisting of only half of Jerusalem still count?

      Now you add that this law was made by the state in Germany with the biggest amount of Nazis and it all seems very dishonest and just another ploy to fuck with immigrants. So I wouldn’t surprise at all if they will apply this law in the strictest form possible to deny as many applicants as they can. That whole “every critique of Israel is antisemitism” stick Netanyahu and his cronies are doing to discredit everyone even slightly critical of them seems exactly like what Sachsen will do with this new law.

      • @avater
        -210 months ago

        Well the point is, that the whole “support the existence of the country” is very vague. Do I disqualify if I think that the illegal settlers need to ge the fuck out of the Westbank? Of what if I would boycott products procuded in Israel? Does that count as not supporting the existence of the country?". Which borders of what year or which treaty are meant by this? Would Israel consisting of only half of Jerusalem still count?

        I think in general this is more aimed at the idiots who sing the “from the river to the sea” and want to get rid of Israel. In the native form of those articles there is no word of “support” you just have to acknowledge Israel its right to exist and dont have to be a racist fuck. So I would say the bar to gain a german citizenship is pretty low ;)

        • mathemachristian[he]
          610 months ago

          The thing is that it can be used against you later to throw you out simply by joining a pro-palestine rally. “Well you marched with people demonstrating wrongthink even though on your application it said you think Israel has legal right to exist, therefore you lied on your application and your right to stay is voided.”. It stifles free-speech because it can (and most likely will) be used to target people who criticise Israel even within the two-state paradigm.

        • @[email protected]
          310 months ago

          Yeah that would work if that law was designed and will be carried out in good faith. But I don’t trust Sachsen-Anhalt of all states to do so!

          When you look at the recent history of this state with Nazis, including those in their own police and offices, and how it constantly fails to do even the slightest thing against them I don’t trust them that they now suddenly are doing this in good faith. The intent of this law seems to be very clear and the vagueness of it isn’t an accident but the important feature of it for it to be applied as broadly as possible.

    • Tomassci
      810 months ago

      Thanks for the check, but still, this is kinda shitty.

      • @avater
        10 months ago

        deleted by creator

        • Chaotic Entropy
          10 months ago

          Why? You have not seen the ever expanding list of positions, statements, and activities that are considered anti-Semitic in some areas?

          Blocking people who are “racist” and “anti-Semitic” is all well and good when you actually agree with their coverage. Since basically any opposition to the actions or policies of the far right theocratic government of Israel is anti-Semitic in some people’s eyes, I do see cause for concern.

          Especially your idea of making people stateless. What an absurdity.

          • @avater
            -110 months ago

            Especially your idea of making people stateless. What an absurdity.

            I just dont like those racists fucks here in germany and there are still plenty of islands left, at least for now. Give them a flag and off they go…

            • Chaotic Entropy
              10 months ago

              You take the part of your population, that your society created, and then make it everyone else’s problem by flinging them to a far corner of the Earth. Great job.

              You want to go back to exiling people, be my guest. What could go wrong.

              • @avater
                10 months ago

                You take the part of your population, that your society created, and then make it everyone else’s problem by flinging them to a far corner of the Earth. Great job

                I mean we also can shoot them into the sun, quiet drastic but also fine with that if thats make it easier for the rest of the world.

                • Chaotic Entropy
                  10 months ago

                  Cool, I did get the mass execution vibes. Once again, for the record, sooo great until the measure shifts.

                  • @avater
                    10 months ago

                    we can send them at night? This time I put the /s here just for you