The tiny Oriental Bay Owl is one mysterious creature. Found in tropical forest from India to the Philippines, little is known about this owl. With its triangular head and large, high set eyes, this may not only be the most unusual Tyto owl, but the most odd looking owl of all.

The Short Eared Owl, on the other hand, is very well known. It is found in every continent except Australia and New Zealand. One type has also made it’s way to Hawaii to be their only living native owl species. You have to look closely to see they’re “ears” even when they’re holding them up, but when they do, it is a very cute devilish look. These owls nest in depressions in the ground in grasslands and fields where they hunt for rodents.

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  • @Nouveau_Burnswick
    101 year ago

    I know I’m not helping the voting at all; because every day I just upvote both owls. They all deserve it!

    • anon6789OP
      51 year ago

      You are still participating, that’s my real goal!

      I hope you’re learning some new things and enjoying the pics.