I know 12 year olds that are working part time to help raise siblings, and I know 30 year olds that have never left their hometown or read a book that wasn’t required in school. Old people with lots of life experience don’t understand data privacy and think climate science is a fad. Young people have a unique perspective on issues like education, social security, and economic investment in the future. Why is that life experience less valid at 12 than at 18? Why is life experience necessary at all?
Why does intelligence factor into your objection? We don’t ask adults to pass a test, nor should we. While I object to you using “retarded” to call children stupid, your slur undercuts your own argument. Adults with intellectual disabilities are able to vote without any obstacles or tests. The average 12 year old is perfectly capable of understanding complex topics and making informed decisions. They may not make the decisions we would like them to make, and they may regret their decisions, but again how is that different from any adult?
You go in the booth, it’s Option A or Option B. You fill in the box. Nobody cares why.
What you’ve said here is a meaningless non-answer based on culturally ingrained prejudice.
In reality, we already don’t require old people to actually have or demonstrate either of those things.
Sheltered people and hermits aren’t denied the vote. They don’t have to have experienced anything but the passage of time, regardless of how little they’ve filled it with.
People who watch lies on purpose aren’t denied the vote. They might have no understanding but misunderstanding and still are able to steer the course of the country based on delusions and propaganda.
Think of every garbage politician you’ve seen get elected. All the damage they’ve done. And realize that old people elected every single one of them.
12 year olds voting, Jesus Christ
Why not? Have you talked to a twelve year old recently?
I have and that’s exactly why. I have also been one.
The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter. Is a 12 year old actually worse in any way?
Yes, they are
Because they’re like the average person, but even worse since they don’t have the life experience and understanding older people have.
We are talking about 12-yo people ffs. Even compared to average adult they’re totally retarded.
I know 12 year olds that are working part time to help raise siblings, and I know 30 year olds that have never left their hometown or read a book that wasn’t required in school. Old people with lots of life experience don’t understand data privacy and think climate science is a fad. Young people have a unique perspective on issues like education, social security, and economic investment in the future. Why is that life experience less valid at 12 than at 18? Why is life experience necessary at all?
Why does intelligence factor into your objection? We don’t ask adults to pass a test, nor should we. While I object to you using “retarded” to call children stupid, your slur undercuts your own argument. Adults with intellectual disabilities are able to vote without any obstacles or tests. The average 12 year old is perfectly capable of understanding complex topics and making informed decisions. They may not make the decisions we would like them to make, and they may regret their decisions, but again how is that different from any adult?
Calling 12-yo’s takes “unique” is certainly one way to phrase it.
Because you have to set the bar somewhere.
Have you actually met any 12-year-olds? Their understanding of stuff is retarded.
What are you afraid they’ll do?
What are you afraid they’ll do that old people don’t already do?
Lack understanding and life experiences
Which would end in…?
You go in the booth, it’s Option A or Option B. You fill in the box. Nobody cares why.
What you’ve said here is a meaningless non-answer based on culturally ingrained prejudice.
In reality, we already don’t require old people to actually have or demonstrate either of those things.
Sheltered people and hermits aren’t denied the vote. They don’t have to have experienced anything but the passage of time, regardless of how little they’ve filled it with.
People who watch lies on purpose aren’t denied the vote. They might have no understanding but misunderstanding and still are able to steer the course of the country based on delusions and propaganda.
Think of every garbage politician you’ve seen get elected. All the damage they’ve done. And realize that old people elected every single one of them.
Even dumber shit than we now have
At this point I have to conclude you’re not ready to address this conversation in good faith.
You are arguing for 12-yo voters.
At least you followed that far.