The number of times I’ve used assembly in games is weirdly high. I always enjoy applying it. It’s more interesting than modern high level languages that handle everything for you. That said, I don’t know where it’s really professionally relevant anymore really.
It’s relevant working with microcontrollers or other resource constrained embedded systems. For example, the ESP32 series of microcontrollers have an ultra-low power processor core that can do a few things while the main core(s) are powered off, but you usually have to write a separate binary for these. It can be handy to know Xtensa or RISCV assembly for this process.
The number of times I’ve used assembly in games is weirdly high. I always enjoy applying it. It’s more interesting than modern high level languages that handle everything for you. That said, I don’t know where it’s really professionally relevant anymore really.
Debugging fucked up C/C++ code for example.
It’s relevant working with microcontrollers or other resource constrained embedded systems. For example, the ESP32 series of microcontrollers have an ultra-low power processor core that can do a few things while the main core(s) are powered off, but you usually have to write a separate binary for these. It can be handy to know Xtensa or RISCV assembly for this process.
Some industrial / automotive MCUs have 1024 words of memory, so you really need to be efficient.
With the complexity of modern CPUs you’re doing more harm than good using assembly.