• @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    I personally like the cybertruck aesthetically

    I can understand liking the idea of the cyber truck but its aesthetic is so different from convention that I think people need to see it in person to decide if they like it.

    There are so many things in it that are different in ways that might be better it is hard for me to imagine it selling well.

    • @1847953620
      1 year ago

      they also might be mediocre, or much worse. Given Tesla’s record of bad/rushed design and manufacturing processes (see: bad panel alignment; bad chassis engineering; janky bandaid fixes like random hardware store supplies making it into their cars; failed and costly manufacturing automation mistakes; etc.),

      And Musk’s record of using the same trick of dangling a new gimmick to fix cash flow over and over (make wild new promise to create hype, while not delivering on the old ones, see: hyperloop, full self-driving feature, etc)

      And how he’s been steadily going off the deep end for years (gestures generally)

      I don’t really have hope that this isn’t the ludicrous gimmick it stinks of.