Over on Reddit, /r/AssholeDesign was taken over by a moderator that had been radio silent for over two years. The linked Imgur album contains modmail screenshots and our entire conversation after calling them out for this betrayal.
Over on Reddit, /r/AssholeDesign was taken over by a moderator that had been radio silent for over two years. The linked Imgur album contains modmail screenshots and our entire conversation after calling them out for this betrayal.
I just posted a link to this on the sub for shits and giggles expecting it to either not work or get banned within minutes. Nope, it’s there and people are pissed. Guess he’s not even nodding his newly stolen sub
It’s already gathering up a storm of people angry about the change
Looks like it’s been removed. I’m seeing a total of 7 posts since 2 weeks ago when sorting by new.
Is it still there? I couldn’t find it. In the meantime, I posted this :D https://www.reddit.com/r/assholedesign/comments/14l8bj4/ads_that_look_like_tweets_with_minimal_sponspored/
It’s been removed by the mods already lol
This is amazing
It’s really flying under the radar.