It’s 2023. If your company doesn’t offer chat or phone support in this era you are that store that doesn’t take credit cards. You’re not going to make it.

Lansweeper only offers support via email, and those emails are not returned. I suffered a license issue that took two days to get resolved, all the while down, and Lansweeper could not have cared any less. I decided not to renew our license. Two weeks later they sent me a renewal with a 40% increase.

I had a chuckle as I deleted that email.

  • @nexusband
    31 year ago

    Don’t know if you had a look at their pricing lately, but they upped the baseline roughly 150%. Making them not cheaper than the other options.

    • netburnr
      -31 year ago

      I littereally renewed and got my key yesterday.

      • @nexusband
        1 year ago

        That has nothing to do with what the issues are…