• @killeronthecorner
      710 months ago

      This type of divisive stuff actively contributes to the rising conservatism in our youth

      There is literally zero evidence of this.

    • @[email protected]
      610 months ago

      The cause of the divisive stuff is not jokes like this on a t-shirt. It is the rise of misinformation and disinformation enabled by social media. It actively promotes divisive posts because it is what grabs the attention of people regardless of if it is true or accurate.

        • @[email protected]
          310 months ago

          Of course. I agree with your point conservatism is rising because of divisive stuff is out competing accurate information. I am simply saying the root cause of it is social media’s algorithm and their intentional amplification of divisive stuff. A joke on a t-shirt imo can actually help combat against the rise of division because in real life people are not really divisive and will actually talk about topics in a real and reasonable manner without the divisiveness of the internet.

          A joke like this a powerful way of getting people to think about how shitty religion’s takes are by simply changing who it refers to from gay to straight.

    • @MyFairJulia
      10 months ago

      And here i thought conservatism was rising because of conservatives pretending to solve problems by either straight up ignoring them, finding scapegoats or distracting us with their „problems“ for which they also offer scapegoats. That and dunking on high-school kids with little media training for Youtube by just talking so much bullshit that debunking it becomes impossible.

      Silly me.

    • @surewhynotlem
      310 months ago

      Literally no one thinks the message here is anything but satire mocking the idiocy if people praying the gay away.

      Now I guess it’s possible that people kids don’t understand satire? Teach your kids about satire folks, or they’ll be morons.

    • @meco03211
      210 months ago

      In this day and age, just saying “I am strong in favor of LGBTQ+ rights” might not be enough. Had a fun Facebook debate with a guy that claims the same support yet also thinks trans people should use the bathroom corresponding to their “biological sex”. He is of course a complete fucking dumbass.

      That being said, ain’t no one gonna be “divided” on this that wasn’t already indoctrinated by bullshit.

      • Dojan
        210 months ago

        Haha yeah, you don’t actually support if you go “LGB, drop the T.” Shockingly, gender criticals tend to be racist, misogynist, and homophobic. They just like to present outwardly as though they don’t, but never really succeed in pulling it off.

    • @TokenBoomer
      110 months ago

      That’s tacit complicity. By not confronting the problem, you’re saying you’re okay with the behavior.

      ”If I were to remain silent, I’d be guilty of complicity.”

      Albert Einstein

      • @ThatWeirdGuy1001
        110 months ago

        No it’s more like not throwing shade on people who haven’t thrown shade.

        If you just walk up to someone assuming their straight and give them shit for it you’re just as bad as a straight person doing the same to someone who’s gay.

        Now if they were already giving a gay person shit by all means go off. The problem is people act on their emotions before figuring out the full scenario in front of them.

        In general people need to stop acting on emotional impulse and wait till they actually know what’s going on

        • @TokenBoomer
          10 months ago

          As a socialist and anti-capitalist, people who wear clothing with brands on them offend me. They are throwing shade just by wearing branded clothes. Capitalism doesn’t care because that’s the consensus reality we’ve accepted. In the same way, if this t-shirt offends someone, that’s their problem. Homophobia and discrimination should have no place in our consensus reality. To cater to the emotions of those offended is to concede acceptance of their consensus. Also, I don’t think the t-shirt is and indictment of straight people, but more of religion.

    • @clearleaf
      110 months ago

      I’m literally gay and this shit even makes me homophobic.