Source is Jerky Turkey by Tex Avery

  • @KermitLeFrog
    -3810 months ago

    In terms of outcomes they demonstrably have no difference lmao. Making fun of enlightened centrists is no longer a thing. Both the DNC and the RNC serve the same master, and it isn’t the voting population. Decades of picking the lesser of two evils have led us to this point.

    • Franklin
      10 months ago

      Terrible take. Just because the system sucks doesn’t mean there’s no nuance between the two.

      This attitude has spurred apathy and allowed Republicans to stifle progress.

    • @Potatos_are_not_friends
      2710 months ago

      Both the DNC and the RNC serve the same master,

      One guy literally said he wanted to be a dictator. One guy literally told a bunch of folks to storm the capital. One guy for four years continued to bring his friends into government, rolled back popular laws, wasted billions on a non-existent wall. And continues to spiral.

    • @TheFonz
      2110 months ago

      Just a reminder that one side wants to end school lunches for children starving. One side tried to end DACA. One side overturned R.v.Wade. but please, keep telling us how they are “both the same”

      • @[email protected]
        -310 months ago

        How do you ever expect to get out of having a lesser or more evil option if people keep supporting the right wing Democratic party. At some point things have to change, and voting blue no matter who won’t achieve that.

        • @TheFonz
          810 months ago

          Sure. First get us a majority in both houses, then we can talk about meaningful policy change. Until then it’s just virtue signaling. People keep expecting miracles to happen when they won’t even do the bare minimum to show up to polls and local elections. It’s so stupid.

          • @[email protected]
            210 months ago

            People don’t vote when they don’t feel represented. Kind of weird to vote first and hope for policy after.

            • @TheFonz
              410 months ago

              I wonder if people don’t feel represented because incremental change is not sexy or exciting. Policy takes time, the Revolution is more interesting to talk about. I don’t know. It seems people have weird conceptions about how politics works.

    • @WaxedWookie
      610 months ago

      What a spectacularly stupid take.

      Both sides being bad isn’t both sides being the same, and I’ve got to wonder what your media diet is if you think this - you a big Tim Pool fan?

      • @TheFonz
        610 months ago

        If Dems don’t carry a majority in both houses no meaningful change will happen. As long as no one shows up to the polls and local elections it’s pointless to sit here and jerk each other off about how bad the Dems are. Unless of course you want to be an accelerationist, then keep dreaming about the big revolution while kids go to school without lunch vouchers and DACA citizens losw their residency status.