• @Dasnap
    59 months ago

    Maybe it’s more about getting the ‘right’ news. We don’t need to know everything that’s going on everywhere 24/7 like we’re able to now and it can be more distracting than anything. You can end up too emotionally invested in things that are ultimately there to just upset you. Maybe people could have an anger they can more easily direct instead of having too much they’re asked to get involved with, collapsing under the pressure of all of it and just ‘giving up’ in the end.

    • @snekerpimp
      39 months ago

      Very fair argument. Modern news is all trash media. It’s there to get clicks, for advertising dollars. I don’t think the open floodgates of TikTok, YouTube and Facebook are healthy at all. But saying “the world is burning down and there’s nothing I can do so let me ignore it” is not healthy or helpful in my opinion.

      • @Dasnap
        39 months ago

        Oh yeah it’s certainly not helpful, but I can’t blame people for tuning out for their own health. The game is rigged against us :/