The federal government is proposing financial incentives for farmers in lieu of cutting enteric methane emissions that are released in the air when cows burp.

  • Daniel Quinn
    710 months ago

    This. The simplest path toward a sustainable economy is doing away with the externalisation of costs on products that’re killing us.

    I can’t agree with you on those plant-based burgers though. In no way do they taste the same. If you tax the shit out of cow meat though, it’s likely that someone will be able to develop a better alternative.

    • @[email protected]
      110 months ago

      Have you tried the Beyond burgers, granted I haven’t eaten meat in 30 years, but to me they are so meat like that it makes me gag

      • Daniel Quinn
        110 months ago

        Yup. I’ve had a few versions of both Beyond Meat and Impossible burgers. They’re both better than what came before, but critically, I didn’t like them. They certainly weren’t comparable to actual cow.

        …and I’m cool with that. Mass farming cows is killing us, so we need to drastically reduce that industry down to boutique level so that a “real” burger costs 5-10× what it does now. I just hope that we can do better than the current candidates. My personal hope is that the lab grown meat will be a fitting replacement.

        • @[email protected]
          210 months ago

          Lab Grown meat makes sense to me. find the tastiest cell lines and replicate. So much waste in cattle farming, and nasty shit going into the cows to keep them viable.

    • @[email protected]
      110 months ago

      Not American but doesn’t the US government subsidize the meat and dairy industries? Could definitely start with lessening or doing away with that.

      • Daniel Quinn
        110 months ago

        It’s not just the US. Canada does it too, and i expect many other countries do as well. But yes, this is a great place to start, along with rolling back the trillions of dollars in fossil fuel subsidies.