It’s been awhile since I did any frontend work. Is there something that has taken jQuery’s place?

  • @kameecoding
    1 year ago

    but how do you know what renderItem does? where will the items end up?

    we are visual creatures.

    if I see a <ul><li></li></ul> I know it’s doing a list item for every object in given list.

    it’s literally just html with a few added stuff, v-if to determine whether it’s rendered, v-for for iteration, dynamic class bindings and event listener bindings.

    templating has also been around for a while for a reason it’s solid tech, thymeleaf and jsf/primefaces being prime examples.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      Well you don’t have to place it in a separate function, nothing stops you from inlining that part and writing li or whatever directly there.

      It’s up to you how you organize your components.