This just popped into my head after a similar question came up with a coworker…

Back a few decades ago I worked in Kendall Square in Cambridge, MA. My office window looked out towards another building about 15 feet away, and for some reason our floors were about 8 feet higher than the other building. So we could look down into the offices across the way.

The person in the office I could see into had his desk set up so that his back was to the window and he faced his office door. This gave me and my coworkers a clear view of his computer screen over his shoulder. He played Microsoft solitaire constantly, except when somebody walked in. He would very quickly close it so he wouldn’t get caught.

My coworkers and I actually tried to figure out his phone number, but never did. We wanted to call him up and tell him he should have played the red 9 on the black 10…

  • @AngryCommieKender
    1 year ago

    I remember seeing the second plane hit while I was at work, live on the news. I kinda paused in shock, and said, “well fuck. We’re going to war.” The owner of the shop closed up for the rest of the day, and reopened at 6am the next day. We were normally 24/6.

    • @[email protected]
      51 year ago

      Aww man. I remember that. I was in sixth grade. Rolling a TV into the classroom and turning on the news was an unfortunate choice. The teacher didn’t know that of course. The only time I can remember being sad about getting out of school early. We all just sat in the living room for the rest of the day with only the voice of Tom Brokaw to fill the void.