Hey folks, r/gamecollecting is/was one of my favorite subs, so I would love to see a community for it here! Let’s start building this space with an easy question for discussion: what’s your favorite console to collect for?

Personally, I really enjoy collecting for Xbox 360. Games are inexpensive and easy to find, there are lots of good exclusives, non-exclusives tend to be similar or better for the 360, and the controller design is simply excellent. My favorite game so far is Enslaved: Odyssey to the West. It has some issues, but it’s generally a fun and engaging game.

Which console do you prefer collecting for and why?

  • HiddenRetro
    22 years ago

    Currently I am heavily collecting for GameCube and the Switch

    • @dirtySourdoughOP
      12 years ago

      Good choices. Do you find games for either in the wild where you’re at, or do you pay retail?

      • HiddenRetro
        22 years ago

        Unfortunately where I moved to not much is in the wild like where I used to live. So I’ve resorted to relying on sales for Switch games and pay the dreaded eBay prices for GameCube games that I REALLY want. I decided that with the prices of GameCube games I will only buy the ones I absolutely have to have in my collection rather than bring a completionist.

        • @dirtySourdoughOP
          12 years ago

          I feel that. I’ve only grabbed GameCube games once out here on craigslist, and I sometimes get a good deal on switch games at pawn shops.