Hey folks, r/gamecollecting is/was one of my favorite subs, so I would love to see a community for it here! Let’s start building this space with an easy question for discussion: what’s your favorite console to collect for?

Personally, I really enjoy collecting for Xbox 360. Games are inexpensive and easy to find, there are lots of good exclusives, non-exclusives tend to be similar or better for the 360, and the controller design is simply excellent. My favorite game so far is Enslaved: Odyssey to the West. It has some issues, but it’s generally a fun and engaging game.

Which console do you prefer collecting for and why?

  • Bayblade
    32 years ago

    Gotta give it to the N64. Some bangers I played as a kid and so many other great titles I missed during those years

    • @dirtySourdoughOP
      12 years ago

      Good choice! I still have to check out some titles myself like Space Station Silicon Valley and Blast Corps.

  • mandlarM
    22 years ago

    N64. I’ve been slowly trying to get a full collection over the years, about 2/3s of the way there!

    • @dirtySourdoughOP
      12 years ago

      Nice! I wanted a complete CIB N64 collection at one point, but I kinda gave up on it since prices spiked. I still like to collect my favorites CIB though.

  • @MisterChief
    22 years ago

    Going to bump this thread since this community is a little inactive and I also loved the old game collecting subreddit.

    I really enjoy the Xbox and Xbox 360 systems. Similar to OP, games aren’t as expensive and that was the high point of my gaming days. Was able to get the Silent Hill games CIB for a very good price, whereas they go for 4-5x as much of PS2.

    • @dirtySourdoughOP
      22 years ago

      I’ve been meaning to make another post but life has been a bit hectic lately! How are the Silent Hill games? I never really got into the horror genre, but I understand those are some of the higher quality titles, right?

      • @MisterChief
        22 years ago

        They’re some of THE classic horror games and well worth trying. I will say the graphics and story hold up pretty well but compared to today’s games the gameplay is much slower and definitely an adjustment if you’re going to go back and play them.

  • HiddenRetro
    22 years ago

    Currently I am heavily collecting for GameCube and the Switch

    • @dirtySourdoughOP
      12 years ago

      Good choices. Do you find games for either in the wild where you’re at, or do you pay retail?

      • HiddenRetro
        22 years ago

        Unfortunately where I moved to not much is in the wild like where I used to live. So I’ve resorted to relying on sales for Switch games and pay the dreaded eBay prices for GameCube games that I REALLY want. I decided that with the prices of GameCube games I will only buy the ones I absolutely have to have in my collection rather than bring a completionist.

        • @dirtySourdoughOP
          12 years ago

          I feel that. I’ve only grabbed GameCube games once out here on craigslist, and I sometimes get a good deal on switch games at pawn shops.

  • @packersinthefarm
    22 years ago

    GameCube or the 360 for me. Both had insane libraries of games and a weirdly high amount of niche accessories that still get used for a lot of things today

    • @dirtySourdoughOP
      2 years ago

      I had a GameCube during that era, so I’m mostly familiar with its accessories. What niche accessories were available for 360?

  • kratoz29
    22 years ago

    I’m a sucker for handhelds, so I’d say DS or 3DS, although my wallet won’t agree.

    • @dirtySourdoughOP
      22 years ago

      I love my “new” 2DS XL. I’ve got big hands so most handhelds are uncomfortable, but this one feels pretty good.

      • kratoz29
        22 years ago

        Yeah, so I have heard unfortunately I have never actually hold one.

  • @SteelGeneral
    22 years ago

    I’ve been huge on collecting NES lately. It was the first system I ever played, so I guess it has that nostalgia factor for me. I’m at 392 games so far, not sure I’ll ever hit a full set but it’s fun to slowly head that way. I miss being able to find random games cheap at yard sales, flea markets, etc. Wouldn’t be such an easy system to collect for now!

    In more recent years I’ve also branched out into Famicom and Famicom Disk System games. You don’t see them often in the US, but it’s really exciting when you do! I actually just grabbed a complete FDS Kid Icarus a couple of days ago from a local game store.

    • @dirtySourdoughOP
      12 years ago

      Damn, 392 games just for NES is impressive! Any hidden gems that you would recommend?

      I don’t think I’ve even seen a Famicom in person. That’s pretty niche but also cool.