• vox
      97 months ago

      I wish “illegal cab company” would too, but I also have no sympathy for shitty actual cab company. It’s not even about the money for me, they had many chances to innovate their systems and squash the illegal cab companies before they got started while at the same time generating more fare revenue, but instead tried to use the status quo to smother out the competition.

    • @[email protected]
      47 months ago

      They never seem to clean their cars though for some reason. That’s one thing I’ll give to Uber, the cars are cleaner.

      • @[email protected]
        7 months ago

        I’ve never been in a dirty cab but cabs were never a big deal in my area so I’m not an expert.

    • @ilikecoffee
      7 months ago

      It’s also more expensive where I live ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      EDIT: Sorry, my bad. I meant that Uber and Lyft are more expensive than normal cabs in my area.

      • Flying SquidOP
        287 months ago

        Yes, because the drivers aren’t being exploited like the Uber and Lyft drivers are. They offer cheaper fares because they’re paid an unfair wage.

          • @hansl
            37 months ago

            Then it’s gonna be the same price.

            • @[email protected]
              37 months ago

              There’s a cost to everything. Taxis were already reasonably efficient. Enjoy your VC funded discount rides while you can

              • @hansl
                37 months ago

                I feel you’re under the impression that I share the GP point of view. I don’t. I live in a place where ride sharing apps are regulated and I’m thankful for it. Gig economy jobs can fuck right off.

                That being said, it’s not cost that killed taxis and made Uber/Lyft appealing. It’s convenience. If the taxis had joined the modern era instead of being stuck in the 90s (including but not exclusively having a “broken” credit card machine and other dubious tactics), they’d probably have had a way better time. They were caught with their pants down and their head up their asses.

                • @[email protected]
                  27 months ago

                  Oh yeah I know, rn the only thing keeping taxis alive is probably the fact that they have dedicated parking spots in some places, usually close to train stations and airports where they easily get business.

                  “Ride sharing” has also been regulated and now you do need to have the car identified (a crappy sticker on the windshields) and take a course (still cheaper and shorter than actual taxis)

        • @ilikecoffee
          27 months ago

          Sorry, my bad. I meant that Uber and Lyft are more expensive than normal cabs in my area.

      • @Ottomateeverything
        137 months ago

        I don’t understand comments like this. Where do you think those “savings” come from? Do you think the suits are like “yeah we’re going to shut down our competition by reducing our own pay/cut of the revenue”? Or do you think they’re going to fuck over the workers?

        • @ilikecoffee
          17 months ago

          Sorry, my comment was unclear. I do agree, I meant Ubers being more expensive for whatever reason…

      • snooggums
        107 months ago

        Doing things right costs money. “Ride share” companies are only cheaper because they screw over their drivers.

      • Poggervania
        47 months ago

        And that’s what those illegal cab companies bank on people thinking.

        Is it a bit more expensive? Yes. Is it waaaaaaay less exploitative than Uber and Lyft? Fuuuuuuuuck yes.

    • @cm0002
      7 months ago

      Sorry, but Taxis have left me waiting for hours and ripped me off 1 too many times on top of every cab I’ve been in has been quite dirty. They tried using their near-monopolistic position in most places to ignore basic innovations, like having an app to request a taxi (and having that app not look like it’s a time capsule from 2008) or even taking card.

      I have no sympathy for taxis, they’re dead to me