I have enjoyed my Ender 3v2 but my extruder and hot end are acting up and I am ready for a more reliable printer. I like the simplicity of Bambu but it seems to come at the cost of customization. Prusa seems to be more open and extendable, but at the cost of increased complexity. What would you recommend?

  • @TheYang
    21 year ago

    A lot of people seem to to think that bedslingers are inherently worse than core xy kinematics.
    Core xy is definitely more compact.
    In return the belts are longerz tightening them more complex (x and y can become unaligned).
    Core xy can be easier for input shaping, as only the z axis mass changes.

    • @roofuskit
      21 year ago

      You can print immensely faster on a coreXY machine, that’s just physics.

      • dual_sport_dork 🐧🗡️
        21 year ago

        And you can do it without yeeting your half completed print off the bed, either. Bed-slingers make me paranoid, justified or not.