I noticed there’s a lot of " This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot." Post. And I am wondering why?

I dont really understand why these are popular. The bots are only copying the OP Post and not the comments.

  • TheSpookiestUser
    2 years ago

    My guess? Initial population of content, so that when new users join they’ll have something to look at and discuss.

    Now, is this the best way to go about it? Probably not, it can easily be construed as spam.

    Secondary reason is stated right there in the message:

    This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.

    Foreseeing that something may happen to the content on reddit, whoever set up the bot wants to archive the content off-site somewhere. This would only really apply if it’s grabbing all posts; if it’s only new ones, it’s definitely the first reason.