I didn’t know what to post, so I panicked.

Image says:

“You don’t know what fun is until you’ve witnessed a drunk on the Edinburgh to Glasgow train screaming “A fucking hate hedgehogs, come at me ya jabby wee cunt” while angrily circling a hairbrush that’s been dropped on the floor…”

By: Nicki@AwkwardAndOdd

  • @EmoBean
    191 year ago

    I’ve always wanted to go to the uk to see hedge hogs. In the US they exotic pets and illegal in some states. Over there they just walk around people’s yards being hedgehogs. They’re so cute and spikey and angry. In the US the yard creatures like raccoons will steal your shit and bite you. Bears will straight up kill you. Rattle snakes get so big they’re scary. Meanwhile in England they’re fighting with pointy hamsters.

    • @Viking_Hippie
      1 year ago

      They’re so cute and spikey and angry

      Cute ✅️

      Spiky ✅️

      Angry ❌️

      They’re quite timid, actually. If they’re anything like here in Denmark, they’re completely silent and crepuscular, so you have to be lucky to spot one. In my 40 years I think I’ve seen 3-5 total.

      But yeah, they’re adorable and it just so happens that the last time I saw one was just a few weeks ago and I got a picture 😁

      Sorry about the blurriness, the tradeoff of Night Mode 🤷

      • @EmoBean
        41 year ago

        Angry wasn’t the correct word for what I was trying to describe. Unafraid is more accurate. I’m used to things being very afraid of other animals because there’s a lot of them that might be looking to eat you. The only animals I’ve encountered like that are moles because they literally cannot see. There are foxes, large birds, plenty of things that I feel would just exterminate them but I guess there’s plenty of other food that the little spikey balls aren’t worth it. Coyotes here with eat literally anything. I’ve had them start coming towards wondering if I can be food. They would eat hedgehogs without hesitation. They eat porcupines which are angry and MUCH bigger and spikier.

        Thank you for sharing hedgehog pic. It’s so cute. I’m jealous.

        • Johanno
          41 year ago

          Well the last time I saw a hedgehog it was because my dog found it at night and barked at it. I heard a weird noise. It was the heart of the hedgehog. I could hear it 3m away. He definitely was afraid. I did put him out of the yard so the dog couldn’t get to it.

      • lad
        21 year ago

        I’d guess, that hedgehogs come in a variety of different species and characters. We had a local hedgehog that woke up in the middle of winter and jumped people, mind you, it did that from an elevation so a couple of faces were hit. Besides that, in the regions with rabies they are carriers and should not be apprehended in the wild

      • @EmoBean
        1 year ago

        Can you believe people are following me around lemmy in order to downvote every post? Cute hedgehog but NO, POLITICS!

        • lad
          1 year ago

          Oh, if you wouldn’t make this comment, I wouldn’t even notice that it was you who started this thread. Honestly, I think following around and downvoting is uncultured behaviour, but I find whining about something that doesn’t even affect your user experience in ways other than hurting ego… unpleasant, at the very least

          Besides, weren’t you bragging about how glad you are to reach -50 and then -100? What’s the big deal then?

    • @[email protected]
      51 year ago

      Hedgehogs aren’t that angry really. I saved one from the road once and he was pretty chill. Well as chill as possible being a really fucking spikey ball.

    • @[email protected]
      51 year ago

      I have lived in the UK (Gloucestershire towns, so quite rural) my whole life and I have seen 2 living hedgehogs, and one of them was in Germany. I have seen countless unliving hedgehogs on the road however. If you come expecting to see hedgehogs without specifically finding somewhere you know they will show up, you will probably be disappointed.

      • @EmoBean
        1 year ago

        Well, I would specifically go hike and ideally camp(that’s not as simple as it is in the US) in more remote areas where they and other wildlife is. I still think it’s awesome that you’ve seen any. They seem so tiny and vulnerable. I’m scared they won’t be around much longer.

        Roadkill sucks but where I live, roads create entire ecosystems. The water runoff creates more vegetation, which brings insects, which brings small animals, which brings big animals. I know roads that support eagles and hawks that otherwise would not exist in the area.