DES MOINES, Iowa (KCRG) - On Thursday, the Satanic Temple of Iowa announced that their display at the Iowa Capitol had been significantly damaged.

The controversial display, which Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds called “objectionable,” featured a ram’s head covered with mirrors on a mannequin before being damaged.

Organizers say it’s a symbol of their right to religious freedom.

The Satanic Temple of Iowa posted the following message on their Facebook page:

“This morning, we were informed by authorities that the Baphomet statue in our holiday display was destroyed beyond repair. We are proud to continue our holiday display for the next few days that we have been allotted.

We ask that for safety, visitors travel together and use the 7 Tenets as a reminder for empathy, in the knowledge that justice is being pursued the correct way, through legal means.

KCCI has reported that 35-year-old Michael Cassidy of Lauderdale, Mississippi, was charged with Criminal Mischief in the 4th Degree. He has since been released.

Solve et Coagula! Happy Holidays! Hail Satan!”

  • @foyrkopp
    101 year ago

    It’s the quiet part that’s (usually) not said aloud.

    Just take a look at the statistics of how i.e. criminal law is applied much more aggressively to conservative out-groups (PoC, poor, etc.) than conservative in-groups (white, wealthy, etc.). Then have a look at who is proposing politics intended to fix that imbalance an who’s talking about “taking a hard(er) stance on crime”.

    Another, rather specific example:

    Once you look our for the pattern, you’ll see it everywhere.

    • Schadrach
      11 year ago

      criminal law is applied much more aggressively to conservative out-groups (PoC, poor, etc.) than conservative in-groups (white, wealthy, etc.).

      So in your mind is there a conservative in group and out group as regards sex? I just want a starting point before I delve any further.

      • @foyrkopp
        11 year ago

        My comment wasn’t related to sex but more generalized, but, umm - yeah?

        People having heterosexual two-person sex (preferably with a single, consistent partner) are the “in-group”.

        Everyone else is the out-group.

        If anyone ever made i.e. a study to something like police behavior experienced by a “regular” pick-up bar and a gay bar, I’d expect to see some stark differences.

        • Schadrach
          11 year ago

          I wasn’t talking about orientation, but about sex, as in male vs female.