So i was told i had autism when i wa salmost out of elemtray school and ive always been treated like an outcast and everything is just hard for me. i feel like my family understands i have autism and other things but at the same time they just dont understand, if that makes sense. “normal” everday joe’s bascilly act like total jerks to us and i dont understadn why they just asume who we are for no reason.

this all annoys me to say and ye si have depression too, is there a way to have atleast one person understand what its like being autistic by chance?

also sorry about ranting and being agry i hav ealot of my mind that i need to share.

  • @CapitalismsRefugee
    2 years ago

    You don’t need to apologize for ranting here and certainly not for being angry anywhere. We have all been there as well and we are happy to support you while you grapple with this contradiction.

    Society has been gaslighting you your whole life, telling you how “ordinary” people live and what you’re “allowed” to feel upset about. They tell you that you aren’t allowed to be mad about this, they tell you that is normal. You try following the rules they give you and you face abuse. You see the behavior of others and recognize that they don’t follow the rules so you try acting just like them, and you face abuse.

    Your pain is real and it is okay to be mad that you’ve been hurt.

    I’ll include the necessary, if pedantic, statement that, while it is perfectly fine to feel any magnitude of anger, the actions anger inspires a person to make are not always appropriate. Before you make any decisions that would harm yourself or others, try calling the mental health hotline of your country. That is what they exist for and you aren’t wasting their time with your call.