Kind of a trend, the amount of youtubers who i had loved but their content became generic after gaining popularity is quite a bit, most drastic one being mrwhosetheboss, his uniqueness went down faster than MH27 MH17

  • @[email protected]
    201 year ago

    “Oh and by the way, this is a sponsored video 🤷” and then spends half an hour sucking a company’s dick for money

    That and the shampoo ad killed my interest in the channel, and ever since then I’m extremely wary of everyone. Kurzgesagt is also up there, for producing propaganda for a billionaire’s charity.

    • @Chobbes
      131 year ago

      God kurzgesagt really bothers me for their “technology will save us” ideology. I get bad vibes.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        Guys, all we have to do is trust the technology that Bill Gates stands to profit from! Never mind the fact that Bill Gates funds my videos, just trust him, guys! The future might look bleak, but you don’t have to take any action! Ol’ Billy already is! Just trust him!!

        • @Chobbes
          31 year ago

          Yeah, it’s really egregious. I don’t really like their videos because they all feel kind of biased like that… and just a lot of editorializing. To be clear, I’m not above technology getting us out of a jam, but I really don’t think we should expect it… We should really plan with what we know is possible.

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        Essentially, they’re funded by billionaires, and their videos show it. Here’s a couple videos that go into it:

        Their videos about the climate for the last few years essentially boil down to “shit sucks, everything is bad, a lot of people are going to die. But wait, here’s an interesting new technology that could save the planet! All we have to do is trust capitalism to make this technology happen, and we’ll be saved!”

        I’m of the opinion that we should be brutally fucking honest about the climate, and that copium like this only makes people complacent. If we stopped pumping out greenhouse gases right now, we wouldn’t avoid 3° of warming. Hundreds of millions of people are going to die as a direct result of anthropogenic climate change, and there is nothing we can do about that. If we get complacent, that number will be in the multiple billions. Cute cartoon birds turning into skeletons does not reflect the horror of climate change.

        • @splonglo
          61 year ago

          The Kurzgesagt climate videos explicitly encourage political action to combat climate change. I think they even encourage it as the most important thing an individual can do. They don’t push ‘let capitalism solve everything’ , they push ‘vote in green candidates + regulation’.

          I saw one of those videos taking them down for receiving Bill Gates money and frankly I think it’s a pretty empty hitpiece.

          Don’t get me wrong, the Gate’s foundation does push this ‘never question the market’ ideology, and any organisation that relies on their funding deserves to be scrutinized to hell and back. But Kurzgesagt does not push this ideology.

          ’ The problem with Kurzgesagt’ never found any factual issues with their content, AND the broad message of their videos is ’ lobby the government for regulation + here’s the technology’ . If Gate’s Foundation money has caused them to compromise their values, it’s not done a good job of it.

          Funding is not the same as editorial control, and the amount recieved from the gates foundation is not even a large portion of their income, so it’s not like they have much leverage.

          Gate’s Foundation and similar spend money literally everywhere, so I worry about people writing good orgs off so quickly.

      • @9bananas
        1 year ago

        here’s a thorough analysis:

        TL;DW: they assume technology will magically “fix” the climate crisis and no big changes to society or the economy are necessary. thus perpetuating and worsening the climate crisis by pretty much telling people “it’s gonna be fiiiiine”…when it really won’t be “fine”.

        edit: note, that most of their content is fine, just the climate “solutions” and stuff are…so optimistic as to be misleading. their physics and futurology stuff is fine. also way oversimplified in many cases, but fine.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      Whoa, I thought I was alone in disliking Kurzgesagt. What made me unsubscribe was a video that was very clearly sponsored by the game Cyberpunk but didn’t mention that anywhere