• 61 curated blends for each episode of Avatar the Last Airbender
  • Ceramic handle-less cup with the insignia printed on the outside made by a local artisan.
  • Locally produced wooden White Lotus Pai-Sho tile
  • Packaged in unique printed cloth that can be reused for tea-setting
  • Tea compendium booklet that includes detailed information on each tea blend and more!

$250 USD

  • @cm0002
    7 months ago

    My heart says yes, but “lol” says my wallet “lmao”

    • insomniac_lemon
      27 months ago

      “What flavor tea should I have while watching this show?” “Tea flavor.” (grab anything that we already have)

      And for Season 3, The Day of Black Sun, Part 1: The Invasion: Deadly poison tea

      • ZagorathOP
        17 months ago

        Tea’s one of those things like beer or wine. Most of us just drink whatever’s around, maybe a preference for lager or red. But some people get really into their craft beers or into different varieties and vintages of wine. There’s a whole world of different teas for people who are interested in trying different teas. This, I think, is for the intersection of those people with fans of Avatar. Not for the average tea enjoyer or average Avatar fan.

    • ZagorathOP
      17 months ago

      I wanted to buy it as a gift for my sister, who is both big into Avatar and really into her teas. When you consider the price includes 61 teas and a ceramic cup, the price seems fairly reasonable for what seems to be a pretty niche boutique product. That’s $4.10 per tea not including the cup. Definitely expensive compared to your off-the-shelf Lipton teabags, but I thought it was in the realm of reasonable. Especially since it’s loose leaf, not teabag, so you can probably put it in a teapot and get 4 cups out of each tea.

      But yeah, $250 is very steep. They’ve also got a $45 option coming soon it looks like, with 8 teas. Much worse “bang for buck” (over $5.60 per tea and no cup), but a more accessible price.