• 61 curated blends for each episode of Avatar the Last Airbender
  • Ceramic handle-less cup with the insignia printed on the outside made by a local artisan.
  • Locally produced wooden White Lotus Pai-Sho tile
  • Packaged in unique printed cloth that can be reused for tea-setting
  • Tea compendium booklet that includes detailed information on each tea blend and more!

$250 USD

  • @cm0002
    10 months ago

    My heart says yes, but “lol” says my wallet “lmao”

    • insomniac_lemon
      210 months ago

      “What flavor tea should I have while watching this show?” “Tea flavor.” (grab anything that we already have)

      And for Season 3, The Day of Black Sun, Part 1: The Invasion: Deadly poison tea

      • ZagorathOP
        110 months ago

        Tea’s one of those things like beer or wine. Most of us just drink whatever’s around, maybe a preference for lager or red. But some people get really into their craft beers or into different varieties and vintages of wine. There’s a whole world of different teas for people who are interested in trying different teas. This, I think, is for the intersection of those people with fans of Avatar. Not for the average tea enjoyer or average Avatar fan.

    • ZagorathOP
      110 months ago

      I wanted to buy it as a gift for my sister, who is both big into Avatar and really into her teas. When you consider the price includes 61 teas and a ceramic cup, the price seems fairly reasonable for what seems to be a pretty niche boutique product. That’s $4.10 per tea not including the cup. Definitely expensive compared to your off-the-shelf Lipton teabags, but I thought it was in the realm of reasonable. Especially since it’s loose leaf, not teabag, so you can probably put it in a teapot and get 4 cups out of each tea.

      But yeah, $250 is very steep. They’ve also got a $45 option coming soon it looks like, with 8 teas. Much worse “bang for buck” (over $5.60 per tea and no cup), but a more accessible price.

  • ZagorathOP
    110 months ago

    I first found out about this because Michaela Murphy, Toph’s voice actor, has been doing some sponsored videos reacting to episodes of Avatar while she drinks the tea.

    To be honest, so far I haven’t found her reactions very interesting or insightful. But here they are anyway if anyone is interested.

  • ZagorathOP
    110 months ago

    Sadly, they don’t seem to ship internationally. Or at least, not to Australia. But maybe there are some Americans here who will get a kick out of this instead.