Biden was emerging from his Delaware campaign headquarters when the car ploughed into an SUV guarding his motorcade

President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden were rushed to safety by the Secret Service after a car suddenly ploughed into a parked SUV that was guarding the presidential motorcade.

Mr Biden was walking out of his campaign headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware, on Sunday night to his waiting armoured SUV when a silver copper sedan hit a US Secret Service vehicle that was closing off intersections for the president’s departure.

The sedan, which carried a Delaware licence plate, then tried to continue into a closed-off intersection, before Secret Service personnel surrounded the vehicle with their weapons drawn and instructed the driver to put his hands up.

Mr Biden was captured looking stunned and froze when he heard the loud bang close by.

  • Hegar
    -26 months ago

    he did not even want to run the first time but did for the need to defeat trump.

    That’s just nonsense put out by his campaign.

    It’s obviously not true that a career politician who was already VP didn’t really want to be president. He ran in a heavily contended primary and wasn’t always the front-runner.

    • HubertManne
      26 months ago

      I don’t agree it was just his campaign. Who and when was someone else the front runner? I mean early on when the small states are in anyone can be but once some major ones are under the belt its not exactly neck and neck.