• @schmidtster
    -499 months ago

    The group made far more than that, and of course he would downplay the amount himself to make his portion look less.

    They sold millions of copies of a hardware for over $50. The group made mint and there was 3 of them.

    • StametsOP
      439 months ago

      So you have no sources other than what you think?

      Yeah I’m going to stick with the documents that were shown in legal proceedings, thanks.

      • @schmidtster
        9 months ago

        It’s how court cases shake down, especially with plea deals. And what court documents for one thing? Nothing in your links show court documents, just a blurp that also agrees with what I stated.

        If you think he made that little with the hack, I don’t know what to say. You also seem to think they can garnish disability benefits, you’re mad over nothing and the wrong things.

        But of course you’ll be upvoted since yay piracy! Nothing to do with the actual issue.

        • StametsOP
          9 months ago

          So… again… you have no sources other than what you think? Either offer sources that back up your claims or stop making comments that are immediately proven false.

          I also did believe that they could because I misread something. That’s on me and has been edited. Next time I would also recommend trying to correct someone by acting like an adult instead of whatever this behavior is. Sorry about the mistake but you really could have addressed that with a very different attitude.

          Lastly, the actual issue is a misrepresentation on how much lost revenue Nintendo gained from this man. Piracy is a factor. It is not the driving force.

          • @schmidtster
            9 months ago

            They profited heavily from and endorsed not just protective piracy, they aren’t innocent, far from it. What they did was actively harmful to the community as a whole as well.

            Don’t make a career out of a hobby, that’s why they got burned so hard.

            • lad
              39 months ago

              Could you elaborate on “harmful to the community” part? It was mentioned in another thread that they could brick the device, but I couldn’t find any details, for now at least

            • StametsOP
              9 months ago

              deleted by creator

                • Stamets
                  9 months ago

                  deleted by creator

                  • @JustAManOnAToilet
                    -19 months ago

                    I’ve heard of thin skinned mods but this is Reddit level. Be better.