Hydrogen startups are on pace to raise more VC funding in 2023 than in the prior two years combined, according to PitchBook’s 2024 Industrial Technology Outlook.

  • HypxOP
    -11 year ago

    Because you don’t need a giant battery anymore. As it turns out, this is the biggest savings of them all. In fact, it likely ensures that hydrogen cars are the greener type of car.

    Yes, hydrogen cars exist commercially right now. You can even go to a dealership and buy one right now, assuming you live in the right area. It’s a mirror of how BEVs got adopted in the first place.

    You’re pretty much projecting at this point. When you adopt rhetoric identical to what climate change deniers say, you have clearly lost the plot. You either have to admit that you’ve drank the kool-aid on BEVs, and is now spouting BEV bullshit, or start claiming that green energy is impossible altogether, since your words have been used against all green energy before.

    • @nomecks
      1 year ago

      You argue like you’re 12.