The Colorado Department of State warned that it would be “a matter for the Courts” if the state’s Republican party withdrew from or ignored the results of the primary.

  • @mondo_brondo
    146 months ago

    Every time I see/hear someone say this, I am reminded of the phrase, “You cannot reason someone out of a position they were not reasoned into”. It also doesn’t help that the republicans in power have shown us, over and over, that they are not acting/arguing in good faith.

    Having a reasonable conversation and trying to remain rational when faced with those two factors is very difficult, at best, and puts you at a significant disadvantage, at worst.

    That being said, I don’t really have any better ideas other than to stick to my ideals and try to be rational/reasonable.

    • @aelwero
      -86 months ago

      My comment had almost exactly nothing to do with republicans… I implied they aren’t capable of being reasonable/rational, but the point was really about Dems, and their lack of being reasonable/rational not because they can’t, but because they just decide not to.

      …and I got the downvotes… Didn’t sound like a Democrat, so I must be a repub, because that’s just how Dems work now.

      You seem uncharacteristically reasonable though, so I replied to you just to say that :)

      • @mondo_brondo
        56 months ago

        I think a lot of dems have decided it’s time to play the same game the republicans are playing. A sort of “if they won’t play by the rules, why should we?” mentality.

        I don’t know if I like or agree with that, but I can certainly understand why someone would make that choice. That’s what I was trying to get at with my previous comment.

        • @APassenger
          6 months ago

          Thing is, Dems are playing by the rules. It just feels different because it is different. There’s an actual realization we have to fight for this thing and not just fret and tut-tut.

          I’m so tired of wrung hands being a badge of honor among Democrats. Show me something more than a different flavor of thoughts and prayers. Tell me what you did (congress person).

      • @Nudding
        56 months ago

        No, the other guy was right. I down voted you for saying dumb shit.