This is absolutely on brand. Can’t trust these companies to do what’s right.

  • FlashMobOfOne
    2 years ago

    I really, really hate that 98% of our voting population formulates their worldview solely based on the nightly news broadcast that they watch. We’d be in such better shape of we could get either flavor of partisan to care half as much about their own economic power as they do about social issues, and more economic power would translate to more social power.

      • @CinnerB
        2 years ago

        I wouldn’t have said nightly news, but 98% of people are affected by mass media. Anyone that watches any form of news on the TV or reads the paper. Anyone with a smartphone that searches Google or reads any social media. And of those that don’t, they have people in their life that do and tell them about it.

        As much as we would all like to think we’re above it and not affected by propaganda (whether corporate or state) it’s just not true. The only people not affected by media are true hermits, Ted Kaczynski followers, and the Amish.

      • @heili
        32 years ago

        One where 30% of the eligible voters actually vote?

    • @Today
      32 years ago

      Same. I live in Dallas and i hate that people think we’re all gun-toting kooks. Our cities are blue and statewide voting is much closer that people realize. A lot of it is gerrymandering and voter suppression.