I’m assuming this will fit the C8 and many S-series lights. 8A is suitable for the SST-40 and SFT40, but will likely be limited by forward voltage with most emitters.

5A is running a 519A, SST-20, etc… fairly hard, while 3A is a pretty average single-emitter light.

  • @masterironchef
    32 years ago

    I wish they had these available couple of years ago; I moved all my self-assembled lights to 21700 Hosts because cheap buck and boost drivers were only available in 20mm and 22mm sizes.

    • @ZakOPM
      32 years ago

      I haven’t been building a lot of DIY stuff lately, but I have a C8 I think is going to need one of these and the upcoming high-CRI SFT40.

      • @masterironchef
        12 years ago

        Hi cri sft40? Damnit, I just built a L21B with the “new” XP-L HI with the lower Vf.