The Chinese leader Biden told China’s ambitions to control Taiwan were unchanged at a meeting meant to reduce tensions.

    • @Gradually_Adjusting
      181 year ago

      I’m glad he didn’t. Authoritarians are not known for their sense of humor. There was that one time he told Putin “I don’t think you have a soul” to his face. The reply was basically “we understand each other”.

      Then there was the time Obama roasted Trump at a dinner, and it made him so bitchmad that he ran for president.

      Maybe zingers should stay out of politics.

    • 👍Maximum Derek👍
      1 year ago

      If he did that there’s a good chance of a conflict that leads to war without international support. Basically everyone who doesn’t want to give up relations (cheap trade) with China has an opening to blame the US for the outbreak of war (even while condemning the invasion itself) to stay on China’s good side. China would then likely attempt to use the situation to further erode the USD as the world reserve currency - which is really the biggest weapon they can wield against us.

      Right now Taiwan is Kuwait in 1990. If China invades we can claim moral high ground and move in as an international coalition. Until then we can just make sure our allies agree with our stance. Publicly if possible.

      Edit: Though Biden could and should encourage some of our Generals to issue “No Xi won’t” memos. They can get away with it on the international stage.