Day 22: Sand
Megathread guidelines
- Keep top level comments as only solutions, if you want to say something other than a solution put it in a new post. (replies to comments can be whatever)
- You can send code in code blocks by using three backticks, the code, and then three backticks or use something such as if you prefer sending it through a URL
- What is this?: Here is a post with a large amount of details:
- Where do I participate?:
- Is there a leaderboard for the community?: We have a leaderboard with the info on how to join in this post:
Not much to say about this, very straightforward implementation that was still fast enough
case class Pos3(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int) case class Brick(blocks: List[Pos3]): def dropBy(z: Int) = Brick( => b.copy(z = b.z - z))) def isSupportedBy(other: Brick) = ??? def parseBrick(a: String): Brick = a match case s"$x1,$y1,$z1~$x2,$y2,$z2" => Brick((for x <- x1.toInt to x2.toInt; y <- y1.toInt to y2.toInt; z <- z1.toInt to z2.toInt yield Pos3(x, y, z)).toList) def dropOn(bricks: List[Brick], brick: Brick): (List[Brick], List[Brick]) = val occupied = bricks.flatMap(d => -> d)).toMap @tailrec def go(d: Int): (Int, List[Brick]) = val dropped = brick.dropBy(d).blocks.toSet if dropped.intersect(occupied.keySet).isEmpty && !dropped.exists(_.z <= 0) then go(d + 1) else (d - 1, occupied.filter((p, b) => dropped.contains(p)).map(_._2).toSet.toList) val (d, supp) = go(0) (brick.dropBy(d) :: bricks, supp) def buildSupportGraph(bricks: List[Brick]): Graph[Brick, DiEdge[Brick]] = val (bs, edges) = bricks.foldLeft((List[Brick](), List[DiEdge[Brick]]()))((l, b) => val (bs, supp) = dropOn(l._1, b) (bs, ~> bs.head) ++ l._2) ) Graph() ++ (bs, edges) def parseSupportGraph(a: List[String]): Graph[Brick, DiEdge[Brick]] = buildSupportGraph( def wouldDrop(g: Graph[Brick, DiEdge[Brick]], b: g.NodeT): Long = @tailrec def go(shaking: List[g.NodeT], falling: Set[g.NodeT]): List[g.NodeT] = shaking match case h :: t => if h.diPredecessors.forall(falling.contains(_)) then go(h.diSuccessors.toList ++ t, falling + h) else go(t, falling) case _ => falling.toList go(b.diSuccessors.toList, Set(b)).size def task1(a: List[String]): Long = parseSupportGraph(a).nodes.filter(n => n.diSuccessors.forall(_.inDegree > 1)).size def task2(a: List[String]): Long = val graph = parseSupportGraph(a), _) - 1).sum