• @Squeak
    181 year ago

    I’ve never seen a comment that would benefit from autocorrect so much.

    • @[email protected]
      121 year ago

      Yeah legally blind typing on a phone

      Sorta given up careing after 50+ years.

      If something makes it difficult to understand please let me know. Otherwise the human mind is very vert hood at interpreting meaning even with typos.

    • @MiltownClowns
      -11 year ago

      Nearly every phone keyboard has auto correct and every browser will automatically underline incorrect words. Even a cursory rescan would have shown that some of these are just keyboard mashes more than words. It is truly a marvel of the modern age to see something this coherently incoherent.

      • @[email protected]
        91 year ago

        Limited use when you are leagally blind. As you cannot see the ubderline.

        Or in this case read the timy suggested words above the keyboard.

        Maybe do not assume everyone has things as eeasy as you do. Rather then sounding so fucking judgental in deciding how little work other may have .

          • @[email protected]
            11 year ago

            Thanks for the suggestion.

            I use something like that on my hime PC. Although I prefer large monitors and text as I am more used to that from my past.

            But I tend to use the phone while travelling on bus or waiting in public places.

            And I just do not feel comfortable telling everyone what I rhink. Using ear pods is easy for text to speach. But not much allows for speach to text privacy.

            I sometimes use bluetooth keyboards as edges help rather then screen kb.

            But large screen phone and all keyboard really only works if I am sat at a table. So I often forget to take it with me. T1d means i carry to much crap already.

            As I say. In genral I have stopped worrying to much. My past means I worked with a lot of folks with dislexia and disgraphia. So know full well anyone judgeing a persons intelegence based on their written language or language skills in genral. It is them that has the issue. As such things are only one skill often not related to intelegence at all.

            So will happily tell folks to go suck themselves if they comment.