President Biden is planning to make more surgical trips to minority communities in 2024 to reinforce the paid advertising his campaign is broadcasting directly to Black and Hispanic voters, according to people familiar with the matter.

  • @aelwero
    86 months ago

    How do you “broadcast directly to Black and Hispanic voters” exactly? I’m reasonably certain there’s no non-racist answer to that question, and it’s rhetorical in nature… I’m just saying… That’s not how you support minorities… Pardoning 11 whole ass people doesn’t sound all that supportive either.

    The fuck does he plan on telling these directly targeted minorities? That he’s gonna do something for them? He’s an incumbent, he’s had four years to do something, are people really gonna give a shit that he woke up from his nap because it’s election time?

    I hope he carries the vote, but God damn is the bar low right now…

    • Rentlar
      46 months ago

      To broadcast directly to Hispanic voters, Biden will be starring the lead role in a telenovela La Casa Blanca from early next year. /j

    • @[email protected]
      26 months ago

      Who you pardon is symbolic for how your law enforcement should behave

      For example, trump claiming he would pardon specific people or groups

      The opposite is true, by saying what you’ll crack down on (or stop)

      • @aelwero
        26 months ago

        Law enforcement has removed the individual liberty of thousands over something that is perfectly legal in like half the country right now…

        The judiciary branch can, and will, argue that their actions were, at the time, criminal activity. They can’t really roll that back without some really fucky precedents happening on the process.

        It’s one of the very few instances when the executive “checks and balances” are truly warranted, and these types of pardons should be absolutely rampant right now, even without a federal descheduling. It’s one of the few times we it’s simply the right thing to do vs the political dog whistle its generally used as.

        It should not be symbolic… But I will concede that it should be a gubernatorial matter :)