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the musical number kicked in.

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  • @jordanlund
    171 year ago

    But seriously, WTF is Mrs. Flood?

      • Handles
        51 year ago

        Or equivalent cosmic/celestial/whatever being stuck on earth? It seems TARDISes are recognised by other species around the universe as well (like Vinder in “The flux”).

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      As the big theme of the episode was coincidence, if that was something RTD wanted to continue the list would be:

      • Some relation to the Ponds. Pond > River > Flood. Given the personality, maybe some future version of River that somehow managed to survive? I’ve seen others say Amy but the math doesn’t work out from 1938 as it would make Mrs. Flood 110~ but who knows, timey wimey etc. Also, ‘The one who waits’ is what Amy did all her life.

      • Some hidden relation to Ruby. The obvious one being her mother, but then the question becomes why did she decide to watch over Ruby like that from a distance? Also, Ruby was abandoned in Manchester and they lived there long enough for her to develop an accent before moving to London. Mrs. Flood was distinctly from London and perhaps just a coincidence again that they moved in close. Future Ruby/Ruby is a bi-regeneration of X character etc too

      • Some relation to the Doctor. The Master is the obvious one after the tease we just had, and the Master isn’t beyond breaking the fourth wall. The question becomes why would they aid her in joining the Doctor? The other usual suspects The Rani/Romana/Susan all would be coincidences but would we as the audience really care about it? I’ve seen someone say The Nun (the female incarnation of The Meddling Monk) which makes a little more sense as the episode is about meddling with the time stream.

      Small aside: It’s potentially a fake out that the woman we see abandoning Ruby is her mother. I’ve seen others say that Ruby could be her own mother even. It’s certainly implied the character we see is her mother, but for all we know the baby from the 42nd Century and is found by Ruby during their adventures. Making a circle anyway while still keeping the mystique.

      Knowing RTD and how he likes to tell stories, I wouldn’t be surprised if 1. Mrs. Flood is just someone they meet in the past and it’s a genuine coincidence. Nothing special, just someone who helps them out a bit. 2. Ruby’s history is just of an ordinary foundling girl swept up in time. The mother who abandons her is Ruby after the baby is the only survivor to some future tragedy. Not special In the way fans think, but special all the same.

      • Random Dent
        31 year ago

        Maybe it was her hand that picked up that gold tooth with the Master in it? So not the Master but some sort of Master-adjascent type of person?

    • Value Subtracted
      51 year ago

      I’m not going to speculate as to her precise identity, but if we take everything the episode showed us at face value:

      • She knows what a TARDIS is.

      • She did not recognize the Doctor’s police box as a TARDIS until he dematerialized it in front of her, and even then did not seem to know who the Doctor was.

      Again, if we are to take all this at face value, I think that narrows the list of candidates significantly, and rules out most, if not all, “familiar” characters.

      Could she be a former companion of a pre-Hartnell Doctor? I know the Fugitive Doctor’s TARDIS appeared as a police box to Thirteen, but it’s very possible the chameleon circuit was operational in those days.

    • katy ✨
      41 year ago

      i thought maybe she was ruby’s birth mum somehow but i’m not sureee now. or maybe she’s the equivalent of mrs. figg from harry potter where she watches over ruby from some higherorg. :3

      • @jordanlund
        11 year ago

        All the discussions of birth mothers makes me wonder if perhaps she’s the Doctor’s mother. They made a point of mentioning he also was a foundling.

        • Ech
          41 year ago

          Hmm, maybe. She does seem to be aware of multiple dimensions (breaking the fourth wall at the end there).

          • Handles
            21 year ago

            Or, at the very least, relative dimensions — maybe even in space 🙂

        • @[email protected]
          31 year ago

          I wouldn’t mind that a ton, honestly, given that Chibnall ripped off the bandaid of the Doctor’s past after Moffat hinted at his being an orphan, and after all RTD also started all the speculation about the Doctor’s mother back in “End of Time”.

    • Ech
      31 year ago

      (Home instance is having federation issues, so reposting some comments on this one. Apologies for dupes.)

      I’m wondering the same thing! 4th wall breaking character? Interesting stuff! I wonder if she was the person that picked up the tooth in the last episode. Either way, I’ve got the feeling this isn’t the last time we’ll see her.

    • Ech
      21 year ago

      I’m wondering the same thing! Not much discussion on the mid-credit scene and it seems pretty significant. 4th wall breaking character? Interesting stuff!