that was one of the rationales to attack the building, cut electricity and let patients die.

Have tunnels been found?

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    I’m sure you are probably trying to be critical about the weak intelligence that took us into Iraq in 2003… But you have just dove face first into the stupid end of the pool here bud.

    It’s a very well documented fact that Iraq produced shit tons of WMD… The vast majority of it being stored still at the Muthanna Chemical Complex (MCC) which was relatively recently seized by ISIS a few years back… Many of which died after becoming exposed to the various chemical weapons that are still there, improperly stored, and leaking all over the environment…

    It’s never been false that Iraq had WMDs… What was false was that they had begun producing them again. It wasn’t as farfetched as you are trying to make it seem.